
Texas School Announced It Will Being Back Paddling For Misbehaving Kids

Discipline can be a difficult concept to teach. Some children accept it more readily than others. Schools don’t always want to pick up the slack in this area. They figure that parents should be taking the lead. Not so for a certain school in Texas.
Apparently the school has been having such a problem with misbehaving children that they believe it’s time to adopt an old-fashioned approach. The school has decided to use corporal punishment on children who can’t be disciplined: they are going to start paddling them.

The Texas Classroom Teacher Association defines corporal punishment as the “deliberate infliction of pain” as a way to create discipline. Paddling itself is usually when a teacher uses a wooden paddle to hit disobedient children. It is a practice that was very common in the olden days.

It was reserved for students who are especially naughty. Behavior like bullying or creating chaos in the classroom often resulted in a thorough whack. It is the final warning for those students who don’t respond to detention or suspension from school.

Written by Chris Jorge

Chris is an author with a keen interest in space exploration and a flair for satirical commentary. Their extensive writing covers the latest breakthroughs in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as ongoing missions to explore our solar system and beyond. Besides their work on space topics, Chris is renowned for their satirical pieces, which often offer a humorous and irreverent take on modern issues and events. This distinctive combination of science and humor has garnered them a loyal following and numerous awards. When not writing, Chris enjoys stargazing with their telescope or perfecting their comedic talent at local open mic nights.

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