Doctor wa:rns Kevin Costner about ca:ncer, skin worse than a ‘toad’ – says ‘he’ll be sorry’

Doctor wa:rns Kevin Costner about ca:ncer, skin worse than a ‘toad’ – says ‘he’ll be sorry’
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Kevin Costner, once one of Hollywood’s hottest stars, is starting to show his age after years of filming under the sun. A doctor, who hasn’t treated Costner, warns that his “blotchy skin” could be a sign of cancer, urging the actor to take more precautions or “he’ll be sorry.”

Since 2017, the 69-year-old has starred in *Yellowstone* but announced in June 2024 that he’s leaving the show. “I won’t be able to continue,” Costner shared on social media, adding that the decision “profoundly impacted” him.

Fans were heartbroken, with one writing, “John Dutton was the GOAT… It will not be the same without you.” Another noted, “You’re still very attractive, but you appear tired and older.”

An insider warns that Costner’s frequent exposure to the sun may lead to a health crisis. “His face is spotty from all the suntanning,” they said. Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who also hasn’t treated Costner, believes the actor is already showing signs of skin damage and advises him to “see a dermatologist yearly.”

Basal cell carcinoma, a common skin cancer, is a concern for people with lighter skin who spend excessive time in the sun without protection, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Written by Chris Jorge Avatar

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