Wildlife Enthusiast Lets Black Widow Bite Him on Purpose to Debunk Myths Surrounding the Arachnid

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Many people fear venomous animals, especially the black widow spider, which is often seen as deadly. However, its bite, while painful, is rarely lethal. Jack Schonhof of Jack’s World of Wildlife demonstrated this by allowing a black widow to bite him. He experienced severe symptoms for two weeks, including intense lower back pain. Jack explained that black widows are reluctant to bite and only do so if provoked.

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Some viewers remain wary, but others praise Jack for dispelling myths about the spider. Black widows are not aggressive and prefer outdoor living, often entering homes by accident. They are beneficial as they feed on crop-destroying insects.

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Instead of killing a black widow found indoors, capturing and releasing it outside is recommended. Arachnophobia is common, but education and compassion can help overcome this fear, fostering a better understanding of these misunderstood creatures.

Written by Chris Jorge Avatar

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